Putting Fires Out of Business
Element Fire wanted to start a conversation around fire prevention and safety in North America to introduce people to their revolutionary product with limited media spend.

With more than 388,000 household and outdoor fires happening in North America every year, Element knows that being properly prepared for an accidental fire is critical to not only keeping your possessions safe, but more importantly, your loved ones and yourself. In a fire, mere seconds can mean the difference between a safe escape and a tragedy and with the right tools most of these fires can be avoided.
To help start the conversation around fire prevention and safety, we created a playful and positive way of showing how the revolutionary Element Fire Extinguishers can make a difference in reducing the damage of household and outdoor fires, ultimately putting “fires out of business”.

As part of the campaign the brand introduced the Bored Fireman Calendar. This clever calendar serves not only as a reminder of the strength of the Element extinguisher, but also of the brand's never-ending pursuit to put fires out of business together with the admiration felt for the brave firefighters across the country. Each month comically depicts ‘fire fighters’ like Pensive Pete, Stacked Steve, and Laidback Larry, who can spend a little more time relaxing and focusing on their passion projects such as knitting or playing cards.

The calendar succeeded in starting a new conversation about fire safety by generating a lot of earned PR coverage